Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Night Minus A Pacifier

Last night went better then I had expected. It took him an hour and 15 minutes to go to sleep. Normally he is out like a light. Within this time frame he had multiple requests: milk, fan off, more milk, new book, cover me up, and trains (uh no!). The first time he woke up and asked for the pacifier was 4:51am. He understood he couldn't have it, so he just wanted up for the morning (uh no!). He laid in bed yelling for us until 6am. Which is the earliest we will allow being up in the morning. I think this is fair enough. No reason in the world to be up before 6am!

It seems that we are all trying to get our footing on this new transition. How many times to go in and listen to his requests....At what point are his requests not allowed any more...When do books get taken away if he isn't going to sleep...Do we want to have a milk habit at bedtime? So many things to take into consideration. We are just taking it one nap and bedtime at a time. He is also getting his footing in trying to figure out how to put himself to sleep with out a pacifier. We'll get this thing figured out sooner then later.


  1. Let this be a lesson for all of us..don't let your passions get out of control. If you can't live with out it ..maybe you should. I'm SO sad for our little guy

  2. Let this be a lesson for all of us..don't let your passions get out of control. If you can't live with out it ..maybe you should. I'm SO sad for our little guy


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