Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Fun

Happy Mother's Day to all! We had a fun full weekend in our house. Saturday started off with some yummy cinnamon rolls made by Kenny. Then I had some time in my scrapbooking room working on some projects. The dogs took a trip to the groomers and came back looking and smelling wonderful! We had a fabulous dinner at Teddy's Burgers in Woodinville. I finished the evening off with a scrapbooking workshop here. Below is a picture of the layout that we made.

I had been looking forward to Sunday morning all week because that meant I got to sleep in, guilt free. Shane woke up around 6am (UGHH...I Know!!). Kenny got up and took care of him and I rolled over and went back to sleep. In the midst of my dreaming I heard the door open and a little hand came and touch me on the head. I thought, "It must be late and they really want me up." I rolled over and looked at the clock and it was only 7:30! What!! I asked Shane where Daddy was. I didn't get an answer, but he did help me by giving me my glasses and my PJ's. I asked him again to go get Daddy. Kenny came in the door and asked what was going on. He was unaware that I had a visitor (two if you count Dodger, who was on the bed giving me kisses). He whisked everyone out, but sadly I was wide awake. But my little visitor was too cute to be mad at.

We finished a great Mother's Day weekend off with a fun visit to Kenny's Aunt and Uncle's house for dinner. Where there was family and food galore.
(Pretty hard to get 5 wiggly kiddos to all look at the camera at the same time.)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like your mum's day was deserve a special week-end...cause you're a SPECIAL MUM


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