Saturday, May 9, 2009


A few weeks ago Shane and I planted a sunflower seed at Toddler Group in a little paper cup. We watched and watered it for weeks, hoping the little guy would grow. One evening I looked at it for the hundredth time and finally saw something green coming up in the dirt. I grabbed it and ran to show Shane (who was soaking in the bathtub). The sunflower started growing so fast and Shane has asked to look at it every day. Finally, the little sunflower needed a new home. Shane and I got everything ready to transplant him into a bigger pot. Just as we got started it began to pour down rain on us. We quickly did our task and brought him back inside. The sunflower seriously grows so much everyday. I can't wait to replant him outside and watch our sunflower grown into a big wonderful flower.

Shane and his hat....he thinks it is part of the required outfit to go outside these days. (Clicking on the pictures will enlarge them.)

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