Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Little Helper

There was a time when I sarcastically called Shane "My Little Helper". As of lately it is more truth then not. He is so helpful. On cleaning Thursdays he totally has the routine down and loves to help me vacuum, clean the mirrors, do the laundry, throw garbage away, pick up his toys, sweep, etc. He gets a little carried away with throwing things away right now (if you can't find something, it's probably because Shane threw it in the yard waste bin). And sweeping with him is a little challenging to say the least. I also haven't taken on big cleaning tasks with him around. But he'll help put groceries away and even knows were things go. It amazes me how much he wants to help and how quickly he figures out how to do things. A few evenings ago Kenny mowed the lawn. Shane had his lawnmower out there doing his part to help Daddy.

Our Little Helper

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