Sunday, May 3, 2009


As of yesterday, Kenny completed his 5th year of his running streak. Kenny started this adventure after some coaxing from a cousin, who had created the running holiday "Runivus." Which pretty much is just a day that begins your running "streak". Streak running isn't when you run naked, it means you run every day in a row. Kenny's streak is FIVE years. And you won't believe that there is actually a club of streak runners out there. And people have streaks up to 20+ years!! Amazing, huh! I think the whole things is CRAZY. Kenny has run through a lot of things in the last 5, extreme heat and cold, Shane's birth, my hospital stays, injuries, etc. But he is still doing it. Cheers to year #6!


  1. That is amazing! Great job Kenny! And to you too Jessica for the support!

  2. Great work Kenny! your dedication is inspiring. And of course your amazing wife makes it all possible ;)


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