Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Changes

As you may have noticed there have been a few changes to my blog over the past week.  I've added a new header, started labeling my posts, have a list of labels on the right hand side and have included more of my workshops and information also on the right hand side of the blog.

I originally started blogging so that friends and family could keep up with our daily lives and watch Shane grow from a far.  Over time I've found it a wonderful place to express myself, share things that I have created and things that I have enjoyed.  I'm hoping now that besides just being a place for friends and family to watch our comings and goings, it may also be a place for others to find inspiration and information.  I love creating things and I love exploring our community with Shane.  I hope that my posts can help others with their creative side or help them discover a new place to visit in our wonderful corner of the world: The Pacific Northwest.

Receiving comments and feedback on my blog posts is part of what keeps me going every day.  If you would like to share a thought or experience feel free to leave me a comment on any post at any time.  I would love to hear what you have to say as well!


  1. Keep up the good work. Love the photos.

  2. Thanks Jessica! I always enjoy reading your blog. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!