Friday, September 18, 2009

South 47 Farm Tot Program

Shane and I have made multiply trips this summer and now fall to the South 47 Farm, where he just loves the Farm Tot program.  Each week they have a different theme and they get to pick a different vegetable or flowers.  The first time this year we picked sunflowers.  The 2nd time we visited with Dahlia, we picked green beans.  And this week we headed there again with Dahlia and picked Bok Choy.  I was super excited to take the Bok Choy back with us and cook it.  I had never tried it, but they gave us a yummy recipe I thought I could whip up.  Well, I liked it, but neither kiddo wanted anything to do with our freshly cut Bok Choy.  Can't say I was totally suprised, but one can hope. They never seem to tire of the hay ride we get every time we go or feeding the pygmy goats and alpacas. 


  1. Cute kids... I want to go looks like so much fun

  2. You do a great job keeping these two munchkins entertained! D loves playing with Shane and "Jessa". Great photos too. I love the one of their boots.

  3. What a great idea! I had no idea they had a toddler program. Do you know if it is still going on through Ocrober? We'd love to go.
    Trina (ECM)


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