Tuesday, October 27, 2009


That is what Shane and Kenny said to each other a few evenings ago when they both completely scared one another. It all played out like this:

Shane and I were in the living room playing and Kenny was on a hunt in the garage for our pumpkin carving tools for a party we were headed to later that day. I told Shane he should go out to the garage and help Daddy. Kenny had been rummaging through the Halloween decorations box where he found an old scary mask and a black wig. For some reason he felt like putting them on as he continued his search bent over in a corner with his back turned to the garage door. Shane headed out into the garage and started walking towards Daddy. Kenny jumped up and turned around not knowing Shane was coming out to help and to top it off even gave a startled yell. Shane got the look of terror in his eyes and starts crying instantly. He was so scared! Of course, Kenny yanked the mask and hair off, but Shane was not having it still. I came running when I heard all the commotion. The little guy's heart was racing so hard and he was shaking. He didn't want to touch or look at the mask or wig. Finally we got Sadie and Dodger to wear it which made him laugh and things got a little better.

Just yesterday he went into the kitchen with out the lights on and came running back out crying saying he was scared. I am pretty sure Dad permanently traumatized him for life....even if it was on accident.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh what a story!!! I love that you got
    Sadie and Dodger in on the damage control ;)


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