Friday, October 23, 2009


What has my little buddy been up to lately?! Slowly but surely learning new words, "peas" AKA please, is the newest one. I'm really not sure on his total word count, I find it hard to keep track of because he will imitate a lot of words if you ask him to say them, but just doesn't use them in conversation on his own yet.

He loves books and being read to. And has really found his own with playing by himself. It is so great to see him wander off to his room and play with his trains or build a train with his big legos. He says everything is the color yellow. Often if you tell him it is another color, he'll argue with you and so no, it's yellow. He refers to himself as either I Do, Me or Ne. I'm pretty sure we hear "more, yeah" about 1 million times a day. Everything is "more, yeah" and "I do". He is starting to get a sense of how to pull a fast one on us. The other night at dinner he had to have one more bite before he got down. He put the food up to his mouth and let it dribble down to the floor so Dodger could get the majority of the food. He picks up on so many things that still boggle our minds. He isn't short on sense of humor, that is for sure!


  1. Cute! I love the food/Dodger story. He is one smart cookie!

  2. look at those beautiful eyelashes! what a cutie...



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