Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Santa Visit

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We made our way to see Santa today. We had been preparing Shane for this visit, knowing that there was a good chance he wasn't going to be so up for it. We were first in line and actually got to see Santa wait in line at Starbucks for his morning coffee. Us adults found that to be sorta funny. Shane got to sit in Santa's chair before he even arrived. But of course as soon as Santa was close up and personal Shane wanted nothing to do with him unless "Mommy" was there with him. After Santa trying really hard to get Shane to stand in front of him, he told me I could hold him on my lap and hide behind his back and not be in the picture. Well, as you can see my legs clearly made it into the picture, but Shane was having a blast now that Mommy was there and Santa was reading him a story. Shane even signed to him that he wanted a train for Christmas. He then didn't want to leave. Oh, life as a 2.5 year old can be so hard....for both Mommy and Shane!

Just as an FYI, this Santa is at the Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood, WA and is the best Santa I've ever seen. He is wonderful with the kids and looks great. Every day he has a different shirt on. This is our 3rd year seeing him.


  1. What a REALLY REALLY GREAT picture...AND his eyes are open !!!!

  2. That is hilarious...I would have never noticed your legs if you hadn't pointed it out.

  3. That is the BEST Santa i have ever seen!!!

  4. Must ben an arthur and associates santa? We do the pics with them at Crossroads and they are always fabulous!


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