Sunday, December 6, 2009

Signs of Christmas

There are signs of Christmas all over our house and I'm loving it.

{I read Shane Polar Express for the first time last night. It made me so happy when he asked to hear it again! We are planning our first Family Movie Night next weekend and we'll be watching Polar Express.

{Gifts are wrapped, cards are ready to be mailed, the tree is up, decorations are out and I'm pretty sure they can see our lit up house in outer space. It appears that Kenny and I may be having an allergic reaction to our Christmas tree this year. We are attempting to ignore this fact, because I will NEVER have a fake Christmas tree in my house!

{Christmas cards are arriving in the mail. I love the excitement of going to get the mail and seeing what cards have arrived from family and friends.

{I went to an ornament exchange party last night. Each person brought an ornament for someone else that showed what the holidays meant to them and their family. It was super fun to hear about other people and their family traditions. One girl had a tradition of passing down an ornament from her collection every year to another women. The one she gave this year was 30 years old and originally was her Mothers. The ornament had come from Germany as well.

{Various Christmas parties are on the calendar. I'm excited to celebrate with many friends and family in the next few weeks!

{Plans are in the making for some Christmas cookie baking. I'm doing a cookie exchange for the first time this year. Lots of yummy cookies to eat come Christmas.

{Shane calls all snowmen "Frosty". He loves looking at Christmas lights outside. I can't wait to take him to see some really cool lit up houses next weekend. He can't seem to keep his hands off the Christmas tree. He is just so excited about all the ornaments hanging on it. When I was wrapping presents this week, he voluntarily wrapped up his big Legos for Mema and Papa. He has put them under the Christmas tree and reminds us daily that they are "surprises" for Mema and Papa.

{My paper whites are planted and growing so quickly. Before I know it we'll have the wonderful smell of those delicate little flowers floating through the whole house.

{The advent calendar is full of "surprises" for Shane. He is having a hard time this year only opening one day at a time. He gets to open it after breakfast, but come late afternoon he is ready to open another one.

{At church this morning one of the Pastors reminded me how important it is to use the term Merry Christmas instead of Happy Hoildays or Season Greetings. I find my self often using those terms because I dodn't want to exclude any one and their beliefs during this time of year. But he reminded me that we wouldn't have this time of year if it hadn't been for the birth of Jesus Christ.

Merry CHRISTmas my friends!


  1. Lots to comment on.

    1) Drove past your house last night, we were looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood. I noticed you had your big colorful ones on the house and I smiled. I know that is what you have wanted to do for a long time!

    2) You went to church?!

    3) Love the Polar Express. We watched it a few days ago. I think it's great for kids and Shane will love it.

    4) When I read about Christmas cards coming in the mail, I had to chuckle ;) Cool thing: I got one from close family friends last week and they are going to be in Cabo at the same time!!

    5) Can't wait to spend time with you at our 3 parties coming up.

    6) We watched Frosty the Snowman with Shane and he really liked it. That's cute he calls all snowmen Frosty.

    7) Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your friendship. You are beautiful inside and out and I am blessed to call you one of my closest peeps. xoxoxoxox

  2. Oh, you are going to make me cry! I'm blessed to call you one of my friends, too! And you get the prize for longest comment ever. :)

  3. Well, I could have said how I also said I'd NEVER have a fake tree and now I do. But alas, I didn't want to get too in depth ;P


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