Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hey, Hey It's My Birthday Today!

Happy Birthday to Me! Man, what a birthday it has been. It is so true that time flies when you are having fun, because I can't believe that my birthday is almost over already.

It started off with a surprise sleep in. I thought Kenny had gotten up at the normal time to get himself ready for work. He normally gets Shane for a little while in the morning before he goes running, but this morning I rolled over and it was way past time for me to be up. Turns out Kenny wasn't getting ready for work because he took the day off. Surprise #1!

There were a couple yummy breakfast options for me. As well as directions to be ready to leave the house at 9:30. Surprise #2 and #3. We left and ended up in the Starbucks drive through, Surprise #4. Then did a confusing circle and ended back up at a friends/neighbors house where Shane was dropped off for some play time. Surprise #5 and a big thanks to the Hakamada's for taking in the little guy for a few hours.

I still had no idea what was in store, but I found myself at Bellevue Square Mall doing some kid free shopping. Surprise #6. Then lunch at one of my favorite places, McCormick and Schmick's. Surprise #7. After getting back home I was informed by my very tricky Husband that I had an appointment in 45 minutes, so I better not get to comfortable. Surprise #8 was a facial at InSpa.

Back at home I was able to complete a scrapbook layout and some quiet time just to myself. Surprise #9 arrived in the form of pizza for dinner. The evening was rounded off by surprise #10, yummy cupcakes and a happy birthday song, by my two favorite fellows. Shane has perfected saying "Happy Birthday".

There are still a few hours of my very special 33rd birthday left and I plan to enjoy every minute. Thanks to all my friends and family for sending and calling me with birthday wishes. A big warm hug to my great Husband for making today very special. I have definitely felt the love today!

UPDATE: Surprise #11 was a DVD (Benjamin Button) after Shane went to bed.


  1. Aaah, what a sweet hubby! Glad you had a wonderful day!

  2. That's awesome! major bonus points for Kenny :)

  3. What a perfect day!! Happy birthday to you!

  4. WOW... what an awesome BIG 33 DAY you had. Kenny did a fab job!! AND it didn't SNOW !!!!!!!


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