Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Weekend

The weather hasn't been very nice this weekend, but luckily we were so busy getting things done that it really didn't matter. It helped to not feel guilty that we weren't outside in the sun at least.

Shane went to Mema and Papa's house this weekend. Which freed up time for Kenny and I to prepare for our pending move in a month. I did lots of shopping on Friday, gathering some needed new house items and of course some much needed clothing for myself. It felt great to not have a time line of how long I could be out and about. Hours of free time to go where and when I wanted. Something I never thought much about when I didn't have a kiddo in my life. But is so much appreciated now that I have a little buddy who takes up all my time usually in a good way.

Saturday Kenny and I hit Ikea for hours of browsing and imagining. We have some grand plans for a new office/scrapbooking area in the downstairs of our new home. But weren't sure how exactly how to pull it off. Thanks to Ikea our question was answered, now we just need to narrow down all the options. Fun, but stressful at the same time.

Of course, we had a lovely time eating out a handful of times and having some down time at home as well. We watched The Hangover Friday night. I've heard so much about it, the plot drove me cray, but I loved all the great one liners.

Today has been a productive day of packing, organizing and even selling some furniture. Less to move and more money for that crazy desk plan we have! We'll also be having pink heart shaped pancakes for dinner tonight!

Happy Valentine's Day to you! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend, as well.


  1. So fun...we had pink pancakes for dinner too!!! Though I didnt make them heart shaped or even attempt to try.

  2. We also had pink pancakes but for breakfast :)


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