Monday, February 15, 2010

Menu Monday

This is my first Menu Monday post. I hope to inspire you with some dinner ideas and along the way keep me on track for planning my weekly dinner menus. Do note that in our house because of my working schedule I pretty much only make dinner every other night. I plan so that the following night is left overs. Which helps so that Kenny doesn't have to make dinner the nights I get home late, and saves me time and energy of coming up with something new 7 nights a week.

Here is what we'll be eating this week for dinner. I am not so great with making side dishes, I seem to forget that part of the menu planning, so that is also one of my goals in posting Menu Monday.

Monday -- Sweet and Sour Chicken (this is actually from a kit that I get at the store that Kenny really likes, I would eventually like to be able to make it from scratch though, probably a lot more healthier). Rice and Broccoli on the side.

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Pot Roast in the crock pot (I'm challenging myself to use my crock pot once a week). Carrots and Potatoes on the side.

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Terrific Taco Meat with oranges on the side.

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- Surprise Night (Sundays are usually what may be left in the frig from the week, or a frozen pizza, just generally a very low key day for dinner).

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