Tuesday, May 18, 2010

14 weeks

Wow....is this belly getting BIG fast!! I just kept feeling that I am so much bigger then I was with Shane at this point. Finally, last night I grabbed the scrapbook and confirmed my feelings. I am WAY bigger then at 3 months with Shane. I'm talking between 1-2 months bigger. Scared to imagine how big this belly is going to get!?!?

I'm pretty sure Baby #2 gave me a Mother's Day dance last weekend. I was resting on the couch Sunday during nap time when there was a massive attack of what felt like baby moment inside my belly. I mean craziness for a good 5 minutes. Then that was it and nothing since then. The book I've been reading say you feel movement starting around 16 weeks. Just a couple weeks early, so possible, I guess?!


  1. You're beautiful! I think a lot of us are bigger the second time around.

  2. if we didn't know better we would ask if there could be a second one hiding behind this little darling...But we HAVE seen several only one pictures

  3. Looking cute! #2 always pops out early. I think it was about 13-14 weeks with Ellie for me.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!