Monday, May 17, 2010

Menu Monday

Man, am I ever tired of thinking of dinner ideas. I seem to be in a dinner slump! I've got a few new recipes on the menu this week. I also hope to make sure I actually have the things needed to make said menu, since I've been having that problem lately, too.

Monday -- Chili and Cornbread (still haven't had it, even though it's been on the menu the last 3 weeks)

Tuesday -- leftovers and there is usually even enough to freeze a batch

Wednesday -- Southwest Roll ups (I'm going to make a double batch and freeze the extras. They are a great quick dinners out of the freezer).

Thursday -- Crispy Beef with Broccoli (this is a new one)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Lasagna Soup (also new, looks yummy!!!)

Sunday -- leftovers

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