Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ballard Locks

For Shane's birthday adventure this year we took him to the Ballard Locks. The craziest thing was that morning on a cartoon he was watching they talked about locks and how they worked. It was so strange and just perfect timing. He very much enjoyed watching the boats come and go. We had to drag him away after seeing the process a couple times. Now when ever we mention water or boats he thinks that is where we are going.

We took a walk over to a near by park and also visited the fish ladder.

There was this huge hill that Shane and Kenny ran down quite a few times. As you can see on Shane's face he loved every minute of it, until we had to move on to something else.

Checking out the salmon at the fish ladder. We saw about 5 of them. The run was just starting, but still cool to see and nice that it wasn't very crowded in their either. I was hoping to catch some fish in the back of this picture, but it didn't work out.
Watching a boat come go out of the locks. This was a medium sized fishing boat. Shane got a toy fishing boat for his birthday. He was pointing out all the things that were on this boat that were also on his toy boat. He is so observant it is scary!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!