Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Water Fun

Shane had his first water fun of the year a couple weekends ago. We were in Kirkland having some dinner at Kid Valley on one of the few sunny Saturday evenings we've had this year. After dinner we headed over to the park and beach area. There were some giant sand puddles which he instantly jumped in. As he got his courage up he made his way down to the water front and basically jumped right in. He had never been so carefree in the water before this point. Jumping, splashing, and walking into it as far as we would let him. Towards the end he was basically just throwing himself down into the water going crazy. We were very impressed with how comfortable he was playing in it. He was soaking wet from head to toe and road home completely naked, but was a happy happy kiddo. Since then we have heard only about a million times that he wants to go play in the water "really bad".

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