Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dahlia and Shane

We are coming to the last seven or so times that we'll be watching/playing with Dahlia. Just through the end of the summer. Now that we are seeing her Wednesday mornings it gives us 4 fun filled hours of play. If only the darn weather would cooperate a little more with us!!! But I digress. The last few months we've had a handful of adventures and it has been so awesome to see their friendship grow as they get older. Below are some of the highlights.

Fox Hollow in Issaquah, which is a small family farm. Getting there and parking was quite an ordeal, but the kids enjoyed running around and petting all the animals.

Petting the miniature horse and donkey.

Up in the hay loft where there was 3 different kitten litters and a jump house.
Playing on the tractors, a huge hit for Shane.
Petting a friendly cat next to the garden.

The Kirkland Community Center Open Gym was a huge hit on two different occasions. I had never seen them play so hard before. They have these two car roller coasters that they both seriously played on for 40 minutes straight both times we visited there. They would push the cars to the top and then count 1, 2, 3 GO...and race down to see who could get the furthest.

Farrel McWhirter Park in Redmond is an all time favorite place to go for all of us, rain or shine. Recently we put on our rain coats and headed in to the trails and they just ran and ran and ran some more. Never mind the pouring down rain those two had a blast running through the forest picking which trail to go on. I pretty much just saw the back of their heads the whole time until I would make them stop and wait for me to catch up and then they were off again.

Feeding the new baby calf some grass. He was so cute and funny to feed.
What a girl will do for a flower!
I thought this was the coolest tree ever, the roots were just hanging in the sky like that.
The back of their heads!!
Checking out the creek below.

Arena Sports in Woodinville was a place we visited recently on another rainy Wednesday. I was very surprised by how much they enjoyed themselves by again just running and running and running. Every now and then they would kick the soccer ball around, but otherwise they ran for just about 1.5 hours straight. Towards the end of playing they kept holding hands which was just the cutest thing in the world. The pictures didn't turn out great because of the poor lighting.

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