Monday, June 21, 2010

Menu Monday

I've been MIA the past couple weeks on the blog once again. Sometimes it's because there just isn't anything going on to blog about, sometimes it's because I'm just to busy to blog, but lately it has been because I seem to have no motivation to do anything. Between lack of energy from being pregnant, not sleeping well, and the gray weather I just can't seem to get much done. But keep your eye out this week as I have lots of blog updates coming!

Monday -- leftovers from our super yummy BBQ steak, corn, baked beans and strawberry shortcake Father's Day dinner.

Tuesday -- Crispy Beef with Broccoli. (This was a new recipe I tried a few weeks ago and it was a huge hit)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- BBQ Teriyaki Chicken (baked if the weather is super icky)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- BBQ Hamburgers

Sunday -- leftovers

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