Saturday, June 26, 2010

House Projects

We've completed some house projects that I haven't had a chance to post to the blog. Along with the things you'll see below, we've painted a lot and added new baseboard to all the rooms we've painted so far.

BEFORE: I didn't get a good before picture, but this is an area at the front of our front yard. We took out the big bush and replanted a unhappy maple that was in front of the house.
AFTER: I think the maple is a lot happier here with more sun in his life and we added the two lavender plants. It really makes the front yard feel more open.
BEFORE: Guess I'm not so great at getting the before pictures. This is the only one I could find that showed the big tree in front of the house that we cut down. Along with removing 3 bushes up in the front, too. Mainly because it was blocking all the light to the downstairs and starting to cover the front windows upstairs.
AFTER: We moved some plants over to the left side of the house to fill in some areas where we had moved plants. I think this side turned out really nice. (Not the best picture)
AFTER: Then we planted 3 new plants in front of the house: 2 hydrangeas and 1 Mexican Pearl. It still needs some work over here, but we aren't totally sure what to do with it since the back portion gets NO sunlight and NO rain. But these 3 bushes will fill out at lot, so we don't want to plant to much in there right now either.

This back corner of the back yard became open after we had the trees trimmed up. We added "Stewart" to the corner. He is a summer blooming tree with bark that peels and changes colors.

BEFORE: Way back when we first moved in we took up the carpet in the front entry. Later we decided to also remove the carpet down by the garage entry.
AFTER Entry: Kenny worked really hard for almost a week and got this beautiful tile put in both of those places. I love the tile we picked out. It is one of my favorite things we've done so far.

AFTER Garage door entry:

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!