Thursday, June 24, 2010

Redmond Firestation #11

Earlier this week Shane and I took a field trip with our Moms Group to a local fire station. I had always thought he would love to do this, but had no idea that you could just call up a fire station and schedule a tour. It's as easy as that. He was super excited to go, but of course clammed up as soon as we got in there. If you ask him now if it was fun he'll even say no, because #1 "Mommy left me" (I didn't leave of the fire fighters took him out of the fire engine on the side I wasn't on so he couldn't see me for about 30 seconds) and #2 "the fireman was scary" (one of the fire fighters put on his full fire gear and crawled around pretending he was there to rescue them in a fire. Shane didn't care for that!). The fire fighters were great with the kids. I thought it was a great adventure.

This statue was outside of the station and I thought it was so sweet.
Sitting in the big fire engine. He just wasn't sure about it and DID NOT want to sit up front and "drive" it.
Talking (or at least listening) to the nice fire fighter. He wouldn't say anything to her.
Wearing the head piece. Another fire fighter had the other set on talking to him in it, but he wouldn't respond to him.
Obsessed with the big stuffed fire dog.

He said he liked the aid car the best, I think it was just smaller so he didn't feel so intimidated by it. We even got to go in the back of it, but Shane wouldn't let me take any pictures of him in there. The fire fighter showed him the drawer of band-aids which Shane thought was super cool.

1 comment:

  1. that looked like a really fun tour..I wish I could have gone !!


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