Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An Odd Day

Valentine's Day turned out to be just an odd day all around for our little family. We were finishing up with details of the car break-in. Adalyn spent a large portion of her day asleep and very cranky when she was awake briefly between her naps. We think it is a 3 month growth spurt.

As we sat down for dinner a storm started brewing. The wind was blowing huge gusts, rain was coming down, branches were flying and pine cones were hitting the windows hard. I said I sure hope the power doesn't go out. Well, about an hour later the power went out. We got the kiddos off to bed (minus the fans that we so much seem to depend on around here). There were plenty of flashlights and candles on hand. We even had a pile of wood in the garage for this exact reason. Kenny light a fire to keep the house warm, since we had no idea how long the power would be out.

After getting this all sorted out, Kenny and I sat down and laughed at this "spontaneous" romantic Valentine's evening we had before us.  Candle light and a fire. Neither of which we would have bothered with if we had electricity. It gave us some time to sit down with out TV or other distractions like the computer and chat. A positive in the storm you could say.

The lights came on right before we were heading to bed (about 3 hours total of it being off). Three hours later though we lost power again. Waking Shane up. It was out for another 2 hours. Oh, and Addie had her first eight hour stretch of sleep. Of course, it was a night that I wasn't able to partake in all of this sleep with Shane being up and scared. Soon, oh, so soon, I know I will sleep again.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!