Monday, April 18, 2011

5 Months Old

My Baby Girl is 5 months old today. She certainly isn't a little bitty baby any more. Little Adalyn is growing up and learning new things left and right. She is super close to rolling over onto her tummy from her back. Lately we've been finding her in her crib on her side kicking the side of her crib railings with her feet. Just on the edge of going all the way over.
She is still the happiest thing in the world. Always ready to give you a big smile. I think she even tries to "kiss" you. Which looks more like she is attempting to eat or suck on your face. Which then leaves you covered in cold, wet slobber. But I'll take one of those "kisses" any day!!

Her cheeks and thigh rolls continue to get bigger and bigger and cuter and cuter. She is out growing her clothes daily. Which isn't so bad if you have a wardrobe like she does.
Addie continues to improve upon her sleeping skills as well. But is easily thrown off with a nap that may be too short or if we spend just a little too much time out and about. On good nights she is up only once to eat and bad nights she is up 3 times. With such an early bedtime of between 5-6pm, she is often up for good come 5-5:30am. On good days we can get her back asleep until 7am. She naps usually 3 times a day, which on average are 45 minutes to 1 hour long. I'll take it compared to where we were just a few short weeks ago with that evil pacifier.

I continue to try and live in the moment with my beautiful little girl. To enjoy the moments that we have with her now as a baby. But it is also so hard to not think ahead and look forward to all the exciting things to come. Like eating solid foods, sitting up, crawling, walking, talking!! Yes, I wish to keep her cute and snugly forever, but I also want to continue to see her grown and become her own sweet little self.


  1. Addie, you are a doll! So happy I get the chance to see you grow!


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