Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Double Jogger

Last week we got a double jogging stroller. I am absolutely in LOVE with it. I hadn't ever really thought of getting a double stroller of any sorts because when we go on walks Shane always walks. That way I can get him to burn some energy and let off some steam. But now with some baby fat to lose, icky weather outside that doesn't seem to be letting up, the ablility to now send him out into the backyard by himself to burn energy, and walks with Shane just are not long enough or fast enough to burn any real calories, I decided that a double jogger was needed. I had searched on Craig's List for a couple weeks in an attempt to score one cheap, but with no such luck and I refused to spend $600+ on a new "fancy" big brand name stroller. I did some research and came across a Baby Trend jogger that had a front swivel wheel for me and it could be a fixed wheel for Kenny when he runs. The price was unbeatable, it had all the features of a super fancy expensive stroller and awesome reviews.

We've had a crazy week since we got it, but have taken it out a couple times. I can't wait to start taking it out all the time! I stick the kiddos in it and grab a dog (I haven't tried taking both dogs yet). Shane zones out and has a good rest time in there. Adalyn didn't like the bumps at first, but is already doing a lot better in it. I turn the iPod on and we stroll around the hood rocking out, getting some fresh area and burning those last bothersome baby pounds off!  It will be even better when the sun starts shining on our walks, too.


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