Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Studio J

Earlier this year Close To My Heart released their new online scrapbooking program called Studio J. The last couple months I have finally had some time to sit down and play with it and at the same time fall in LOVE! The first time I used it I completed 7 two page layouts in one evening. I had to pry myself away from the computer. It felt so good to get those events onto pages. And when I got up the feeling of having no mess to clean up was overwhelming! I couldn't believe literally how beautiful the pages turned out, how "real" the pages looked, how quick it was to do them, that there was no mess, I didn't have to print out pictures, that I could do it on my laptop where ever I wanted to (like in front of the TV while catching up on my Grey's Anatamy), that I instantly had jpegs of my pages, and that the cost was equal or even less then paper scrapbooking.

Trust me, I am NOT giving up paper scrapping by any means. I am just supplementing my scrapbooking life with this. A way to keep me on top of my pictures. A way for me to stay current with my scrapping. And a way for me to catch up on any thing I fall behind on. Adalyn's baby book is going to be all done with Studio J. I already have pages up to month 3 (meaning I am just 1 month behind). Shane's wasn't completed until he was over a 1 year old.

The program is so easy to use. If you have ever used Shutterfly or Snapfish then you can use Studio J. If I have you curious at all, you can check it out for FREE. Make your own layout and see for yourself. You may just become addicted like I am.

Here are some of my layouts I have completed (click to make bigger): 

Here are some layouts that a fellow consultant recently completed. She inspired me to try different elements on my pages.

If you don't want to take my word for it. A friend of mine recently talked about Studio J over on her blog. Check out what she has to say about it.

Stay tuned....I am working on my own special Studio J rewards program.

1 comment:

  1. I am in love too. Thank you for introducing me to Studio J. It has literally changed scrapbooking for me into something way more fun and exciting than it ever has been. I don't think you understand that until you try it and see how freeing it is.

    I can totally relate, the no-cleaning up things kind of hits you after the first time. It's not something you think about until you are done and you just kind of walk away :)

    Your pages are beautiful!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!