Friday, April 29, 2011

Worth It

This afternoon on our way to Shane's speech session, I was reflecting on this week. It was a tough one with some tears shed and many hours of sleep lost. Adalyn's sleeping situation continues to be frustrating and stressful. And at times I feel like I am morning our family of three. When there was more freedom to come and go either individually, Shane and I together or as a family. I miss doing things with Shane during the day outside of the house. I miss being able to get errands done during the week, so the weekend could be full of fun and adventures. I miss going out in the evenings by myself to book club, bible study, meeting friends, etc.

As I was deep in thought I hear the loudest laugh come from Adalyn back in her car seat. I look in the rear view mirror to see Shane talking in a funny voice and making his stuffed bunny Hop dance around. In turn making Addie laugh hysterically. Over and over again, Shane would do this and Adalyn would laugh and talk to him. It was the sweetest moment. And just what I needed to adjust my thinking and look forward to the time when all four of us can get out of the house and have fun adventures together.

I know that this phase of babyhood and sleep deprivation won't be forever. But in the depths of  it some times the end of the tunnel seems so far away. Moments like these help to shed light on what can be a dark long journey.

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