Monday, May 2, 2011

Menu Monday

Another week of meals and I am still not feeling any inspiration towards meal making. Adalyn was napping during the time I make dinner, now she isn't. I haven't quite gotten in a routine of how to make dinner with both kiddos awake and in need.

Meatless Monday -- Tortellinis and Cheesy Biscuits

Tuesday -- Red Ribs and Rice in the crock pot

Wednesday -- leftovers (I hope, since our counter tops are being put in today. I am not sure how the kitchen situation will be like come evening or if I'll feel like cooking after a crazy day of counter top installation.)

Thursday -- Teriyaki Chicken and Rice

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday and Sunday -- It's Mother's Day Weekend, so I think I should take the weekend off from making dinner.


  1. Hi Jessica, Do you have a recipe for Red Ribs and rice in the crockpot? Sounds yummy!!!

  2. That sounds yummy (red ribs)!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!