Friday, May 6, 2011


We are going to Hawaii! Oh, Ya! After years of wanting to go back (Kenny and I went 10 years ago together). And after yearning for a vacation on the beach in the warmth for many, many months. It is finally coming true. We'll be heading to Maui in October for 8 nights!!! We got an outstanding deal on airplane tickets this week. We just couldn't pass them up. The tickets may even be less then what we paid 10 years ago to fly to Maui.

We were telling Shane about Hawaii and our trip while he was taking a bath after we booked the tickets. We were explaining that Adalyn is going to stay with Mema and Papa while we go. That he will have all kinds of time to spend with just Mommy and Daddy. That we'll get to play and have lots of fun together. He looked at Kenny and said "You and Mommy will sit in chairs and watch me play in the water." Ah, yes,'ve got it!!!

We aren't taking little Addie with us for various reasons. I think Mema, Papa and her will have lots of fun together. Shane got lots of one-on-one time with Mema and Papa when he was little. Which in turn will help make it a little more like a vacation for Kenny and I. Also, allowing some very special memories and moments between with just Shane as well. We just didn't think that at less then 1 year of age, she'll remember or care about being in Hawaii. Maybe we'll have to make it up to her and take just Adalyn to Hawaii when she is 4 years old.

The countdown begins! I am so, so, so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, you will have a great time. Sean and Xalen are doing a week in Alaska this summer without the girls, I know they will both treasure the time!


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