Thursday, May 5, 2011

Conversations With Shane

The last couple days I've had quite a few interesting conversations with the 3 year old in the house. He'll remind you though that he is almost 4.

Me: (Yesterday morning) Do you know what day of the week it is?

Shane: Thursday.

Me: Actually, it is Wednesday. On Wednesdays we go and see Ms. Amber (his speech therapist).

Shane: NO! It is Thursday.

Me: Well, you might think it is Thursday, but the rest of the world thinks it is Wednesday (my newest strategy in dealing with a super know-it-all little boy).

Shane: NO! I called the Doctor and she said it is Thursday. (no clue where the Doctor thing came from..but it did make me what to start singing the Monkey Jumping on the Bed song).

Me: Ok then, if it is Thursday then that means it is a school day. Lets get ready to go to school now.

Shane: It's Wednesday.

Me: But what about the Doctor? She said it was Thursday.

Shane: She was wrong.

Stubborn little stinker who doesn't want to go to preschool even after all the fun he has every day and after almost a whole year of him going!!

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