Monday, August 22, 2011

I Am Blessed....

I am have two happy and healthy children. Yes, that seems like a cliche blessing. But really it isn't. I am not planning a funeral for my 9 month old baby like this family is. It is a blessing that can get missed during the busy days of life. But one that is so very important to remember.

I am blessed...that Shane has such good friends like Lucas and Ellie. They made our camping trip full of so much fun and joy for Shane.

I am have a good friend like Julie. We may not see each other or talk frequently. But we can come together for 24 hours and get right back into the groove of our friendship. We can be in a situation and so very smoothly make things happen.

I am have a Husband that is happy to stay home with the Baby while Shane and I go off on our own adventures.

I am have Parents that are willing to take Adalyn for parts of 10 days while Kenny and I get a much needed vacation in Hawaii. Along with special one-on-one time with Shane. They will lose some sleep for sure while they have her, but I am sure it will be a fun time for all of them to be together. Thirty-seven days and counting until the BIG trip!!

I am be able to stay home with Shane and Adalyn. Though there are days that I would love to run off to work outside of the house, to just have a few minutes to think clearly or work on one thing at a time. I know this time together for all of us is priceless.

There are just so many blessings in our lives. Some days go without a moment to even think about them. Join me and others over at He Sows, She Sews and count your blessings.


  1. You are definitely BLESSED!! :o) Thanks for sharing... I love seeing all the blessings we often take for granted!

  2. Awww :*) So sweet. I have a little tear. Yes, we are very blessed! And I feel the same way. You are a great friend and we are blessed to know Shane too :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!