Monday, August 22, 2011

A Little Boy's Dream Weekend

I think that if Shane had the ability to rate his weekends over his life span, this last one would rank up there in the top 5 for sure! May even #1. This is what Mr. Shane was up to for the last 3 days.

The weekend fun started out Friday afternoon with a Pool Party at Dahlia's house. The weather was beautiful (it actually felt like summer!) He tried out a slip and slide for the 1st time and was in and out of a couple different swimming pools. (This all took place after all the other guests left, but I still think he had fun).

Saturday arrived with lots of excitement from the Little Man. Shane and I were going camping with our friends Julie, Lucas and Ellie. He was boiling over with anticipation when he woke up. All morning long I heard when are they going to be here? When are we leaving?

We drove south past Olympia to Millersylvania State Park. Before we were able to check in we swung by the Mima Mounds. Which are "mysterious" mounds that are only found in Thurston County, China and Alaska. We took a little walk around the fields. Then head over to the camp ground.
Lucas, Ellie and Shane on a mound.
Bike riding was a huge hit. Shane even left twice with just Lucas and Ellie to go on a bike ride around the camp ground. That is HUGE for him. Lucas and Ellie were super patient with him. They played with him and made sure he was safe and happy. Thanks guys for being such great friends!
Building pools of water also was a fun activity for the kiddos. They would play in the sand then jump in the water for a swim then back to the sand. They spend a couple hours both days at the lake between the water and the sand, happy as can be.
Sunday morning before we left they hit the lake. Not a person in site for most of the time we were there.
Lots of soccer, hockey and Frisbee playing. Lucas made them hockey sticks from branches to play with.
Warming up after swimming.
Saturday afternoon there were people every where at the lake. Here they are stepping foot in the water for the first time.
Shane was so brave and went all the way out to the rope with Lucas and Ellie. He couldn't touch the ground, so he was "swimming". He has come a long way this summer in so many things. I was so proud of him this weekend.
When we woke up Sunday morning in the tent, Shane was just a ball of energy. He certainly loved the camping experience again this year. I told him before we left that Daddy had a surprise for him when we got home. After a quick 45 minutes at home to wash him up and get a splinter out of his foot that had him in tears. He was all ready to head to an Everett Aqua Sox's baseball game. It was a good think he took a nap in the car on the way home (which usually NEVER happens). He had a good time at the baseball game, but was very upset that he didn't come home with a foul ball. After a call to Papa (who has quite the stash of baseballs), who promised Shane his very own baseball. All was right again.

One pretty sweet weekend for a 4 year old boy!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog post!! We had a great time too. Thank you so much for organizing this. We loved the area and the company most of all. It was a super fun trip!


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