Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Fun Weekend

We just finished off another fun summer weekend. The weather around here is just FABULOUS! I couldn't ask for a better couple weeks of summer....finally. I'll be so sad to see it go most likely this week.

Saturday morning we headed off to a birthday party with pony rides. Shane said he was NOT going to ride the pony and did NOT want to go to the birthday party. He did ride the pony and loved every minute of it. He wouldn't stop asking if he could ride it again. He left the party all smiles and saying how much fun he had. If I could just get that kid to lighten up and be excited to do something before hand. We finished off Saturday by hanging around the house, blowing the swimming pools back up, playing in the water and going for a run/bike/stroller ride.

We were gifted 4 Mariners tickets Saturday evening from a neighbor for a game today at 1pm. We graciously accepted and quickly figured out how we could squeeze in a baseball game today when we had a birthday party at 4pm to go to as well. We invited my parents to meet Kenny and Shane at the game. The four of them had a nice afternoon at the stadium sitting three rows behind the visitors dugout and basking in the sun. Best seats any of them had ever been in. Kenny and Shane left early to come home, pick Adalyn and I up to head off to the birthday party where Shane had water slides, bouncy houses and swimming pools to play in. Sounds like a kids dream to me. He wasn't quite in love, but did have some fun when there wasn't any one looking or any kids to be seen. I saw him jump on the trampoline and even go down the slide in the bouncy house. He was adamant that he did not have fun though. He also tried to convince me when I put him to bed tonight that he was NOT tired. Ya, right.

I'll sure miss summer. I think Shane will, too.

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