Monday, September 12, 2011

Menu Monday

We are jumping into our fall schedule this week. Just when I was all ready for fall our summer arrived. No complaints on my part at all. But it did make for a little of a mind shift. The pools had been deflated and I was in the mode of getting summer clothes packed away and fall clothes purchased. Then the heat hit us and it was back to summer mode, but with the start of our fall activities. In order to make sure I am prepared for this weeks full schedule I have returned to my Menu Monday post. For most of the summer I was able to wing it with easy and simple dinners most nights or we were just plain out-of-town and didn't need to figure it out.

Monday -- Crock pot noodles and beef with salad and cantaloupe. (It's my FAVORITE recipe in the crock pot and I have been craving it lately).

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Some version of Lasagna (either in the crock pot or a Rachel Ray recipe) with salad and bread

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Teriyaki Chicken (BBQed if it is working....baked if not) with rice and corn.

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- We'll see how the week goes.

This is what our fall schedule looks like (just in case you cared and were wondering...ya right!).

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Shane has preschool from 9-11:30
Monday and Friday: Shane has speech from 2-2:45
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Cousin Arli is at our house

My fingers are crossed that I won't have to mess up Adalyn's nap schedule too much with preschool drop off and pick ups and with speech!! It will be a busy full week.

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