Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thriving Versus Surviving

I recently read a post over at Sweet Anna's where she talked about how some days she thrives with her kiddos and other days she barely survives. I spent a lot of time thinking about that post, mainly because I found it to be really true for myself as well. There are days that go so smoothly and others that are just plain disasters. I really wanted to take some time and think about what happened differently on the days that we thrived versus on the days were we just wanted the day to be over.

I decided the more prepared for the day I am the better it goes.

Being prepared for me includes:

  • having a list of what I want/need to accomplish
  • knowing what we are going to eat for our meals that day
  • having the house picked up each evening for the start of a new day
  • being prepared for new, fun and different activities to keep Shane busy and to do along with him
  • getting out of the house once even if it is just a walk
As I was thinking about these things I thought I would share some of the website I've recently discovered that have FABULOUS activities, games and ideas that I have been using a lot for Shane and even some for Adalyn.

I Can Teach My Child: I am in LOVE with this blog. It is so super organized and brimming over the rim with ideas!!

Productive Parenting: A couple weeks ago I was searching for ideas to do with Adalyn. She just isn't into toys much and wants to explore and tear up the house most of the time. I was just having a hard time figuring out what to do with her all day long. I then found this website. You can sign up and each day they'll send you an age appropriate activity for your kiddo. All very basic things that you can most likely do with what you have on hand. Or you can just search the site as well. Each morning when I open up my email I know that I'll have two great activities to do with each of the kiddos. Love it!!

Preschool Corner: It may take you a few minutes to navigate around this website, but there is just so many cool activities and ideas on here.

Our Little Monkeys: This blog has great printables in units. I've been using a lot of these with Shane. He has enjoyed many of the activities.

Sun Scholars:  More great ideas. I think there are so many fun educational and crafty ideas on this sight.

Unsolicited Advice: Busy bags are all the rage right now. I actually was in a busy bag swap about 3 years ago with my a MOPS group. Shane was only 1, but I thought heck, he'll use them eventually and that he did. He has outgrown those busy bags, but there are so many awesome busy bag ideas out there. This blog has some great ones and she even hosts busy bag swaps some times, too. I can't wait to join one of those!!

I hope this list of ideas helps you thrive during your days, because just surviving is not fun at all.

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