Monday, September 26, 2011

A Weekend Away

This weekend I had my first time away by myself since having both kiddos. I went on my annual scrapbook retreat. This year it was at a new location since the place we had gone the last 3 years closed down. Thanks to Vicky and her in-laws we stayed in a "cabin" in Leavenworth. This place was NOT a cabin, it was a gorgeous rustic house in the hills of Leavenworth decorated to the top with beautiful furnishings, along with all the amenities one could want or need. The ladies were so thoughtful and gave me a room all to myself. It was glorious to stay in my bed ALL NIGHT LONG with out getting up to assist a baby or big boy. We did do some scrapbooking as well. Though my motivation this year was not quite as high as normal. The pictures I had with me were from high school, college and other very random events, so I wasn't all that inspired to create. I've really, really grown to love digital scrapbooking through Studio J. But I did complete 50 pages.

Here are a couple of the better pages I completed:

Kenny did a fantastic job with both kids while I was gone. He even completed a bunch of stuff on our list of things to do before we leave for Hawaii. Which was so very helpful to me having been done all weekend long. And the kids were so much nicer, cuter, sweeter and funnier when I got home, too. I am thinking that maybe I should be gone for the weekend every month or so!

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