Friday, October 28, 2011

Field Trip

Shane had a field trip to "The Farm" (aka: the pumpkin patch) with his preschool class today. It was a very cold morning, but NO rain which I was super thankful for.
Bundled up Shane on some hay bales.

Adalyn joined us on the field trip. She did very well hanging out in the backpack and watching the action.
Riding on the bull swing.
Playing in a HUGE container of corn. I had to get in with him, because he refused to go in alone. I thought it looked so fun I didn't want him to miss out on the experience. (NOTE: I was the ONLY parent in the corn pit!) On the way home he told me the corn was the best part.
These are the kinds of friends Shane does best with...the animal kind. There is a picture just like this of me on my way to my preschool graduation...making friends with a random cat. Man, that kid is JUST like me. The good, the bad and the ugly. No wonder he pushes my buttons so well.
He found his pumpkin. He said it looked just right for carving.
And why not finish off a freezing morning at the pumpkin patch with a creamsicle?? I didn't hear any complaints from the kids, but the parents shook their heads a few times.


  1. I love the corn bin at The Farm. It makes for an awesome foot massage & I always go in! These are wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.


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