Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Party

We hosted a Halloween Party at our house yesterday through my Moms Group. It was an intense and fun couple of hours with 10 Mommas here plus their kiddos all dressed in costumes. Everyone brought yummy snacks to eat and we made a scary ghost craft project. Shane spent the first hour in his room overwhelmed by all the peeps in his house. (NOTE: he was warned and was super excited until everyone arrived.) Adalyn napped during most of it, but while she was awake she sat and watched everyone. Arli was here and got right in the middle of the chaos and played, happy as can be.

I made these super yummy No Bake Cookies. They were a big hit (if you like coconut).
Adalyn the Fairy who really didn't like her tutu.
 What my living room looks like with 10 Moms and their kiddos. After everyone got settled in we moved into the kitchen and downstairs, helping slightly with the chaos.
 Arli making herself comfortable with another ladybug Mommy.
 Arli not concerned with the dinosaur stepping over her.
This little guy, Owen was dressed as Elvis. Shane asked me who Elvis was. Making me laugh even more.
 Pumpkin seeds make a great item for the water table turned sensory table.
  The ghost we made. He was easy, fun and cute.
All you need is paper plate, paper for eyes, arms, etc and tissue paper.
 Mr. Shane the Turtle. He came out for the craft, but I couldn't move more then a step away from him. Just in case you are wondering....I was a cat. But by this point most of my whiskers had been rubbed off and I had to shed my cat tail because it kept getting caught or pulled on.
 Lobster Elliot and Monkey Griffin...Sibling love.
 Some of the kids on the couch for a picture. 
 This is my FAVORITE picture of the party. I like to call it Arli + Pig Friend Suri. I just love how Arli is peeking around Suri's ear to get a good look!?!
Wishing Arli a big FIRST birthday today! Happy Birthday, Arli!!

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