Sunday, November 13, 2011

Handprint Turkey

I found this idea a couple weeks ago when I was searching for Thanksgiving activities. I totally apologize, because I can't find where I found it at any more. I wish you could see the turkey they made! Shane enjoyed it, but didn't really spend much time overall putting stuff on his turkey. I encouraged more saying that his turkey was cold and naked and needed more clothes. He added a little more after that, but truly he was more into playing with the beans and noodles. I put them in his room for his quiet time and he had a blast.

I pulled stuff from our pantry and poured them into a muffin tine. Then I drew his hand print on a paper plate. Then I spread a layer of glue all over the hand portion. From there he was free to decorate as he wished.

Classified: Mom


  1. This is super cute! I need to do dry pasta crafts with my daughter :)

  2. noodles may be a good idea for your discovery station!


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