Monday, November 14, 2011

Menu Monday

Monday -- Chicken Broccoli Braid (I found this a couple weeks ago and can't stop thinking about it...must make!!)

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Turkey and Parmesan Pasta (had this on the menu, but still haven't made it)

Thursday -- leftovers...if Mema is up for that??

Friday -- Adalyn's Birthday Dinner!!! I wonder what she would ask for if she could talk....I think she would say she wants Scrambled Eggs! That is what we are going to have for dinner in honor of the newly 1 year old.

Saturday and Sunday -- It's going to be a busy weekend with the big birthday party on Saturday. We also have Santa pictures AND holiday/1 year pictures on Sunday. I may pull from my freezer stash I've been creating the past couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Stopping by from money saving mom. What great recipes. And happy birthday to your little one!


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