Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Laundry Room

Over the past couple weekends we have remodeled our (my) laundry room.

It started out like this:
That is the scary "water monster" aka: water heater that I wanted covered up the moment I saw the laundry room over a 1.5 years ago when we bought the house.
 And I wanted some storage/cabinets.
Not really a lot to ask for, I don't think. 

 And here it is all done!! 

We painted it Wildflower Honey (aka: yellow). I had envisioned this room yellow for a long time. 
I made a "curtain" for the water monster.
We put in new flooring, which wasn't originally part of the plan, but I am SO happy we (Kenny) did it.
Added a shelf for the laundry detergent and what ever else. 
And we put in 3 cabinets! 
Giving us so much more storage and making the laundry room all organized and pretty. 
Now I just need to put up some art work and it will be perfect. 
If you can't find me...check the laundry room.



  1. Looks very nice, almost makes you feel kinda happy to do laundry :)

  2. Looks great! I put a curtain on our water monster too :) Good job!

  3. I need to put a curtain around our water to find a curtain!


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