Friday, November 11, 2011

On a Walk

I attempt to get us out on a walk every day during the week. I'd say 4 out of 5 days we make it happen. This fall I haven't even let the rain get in our way. I love summer, but a sunny fall day is pretty nice, too. We have some great loops we do in our neighborhood, but this one by far is the kiddos favorite. I mean, how can you beat jumping in huge piles of leaves, feeding a goat and splashing in a stream?!

 Leaf jumping and playing. 
And yes, my child is wearing his "zip-up jammies" under his jacket.
He would truly where them ALL day long and EVERY day if we would let him.
Cousin Arli and Adalyn watching the attention.

Lucky the Goat. 
I still can't figure out if Lucky is a boy or a girl, but that goat LOVES it when we visit. 
And if you don't bring a treat, Lucky turns his/her back on you.

After it rains this stream has water in it and it's perfect for splashing.

On a perfect walking day there is a horse that we feed as well. 
This afternoon though the horse was in a pasture that he couldn't get to us.
Feeding the horse is my favorite part of the walk. He often whinnies after we feed him.
No matter how the day is going, when we get out into the fresh air we all feel just a little better.
Ready to concur the rest of the day together.


  1. that was so fun ..I felt like I was with you....

  2. Walking in the leaves is our favorite activity right now! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a positive post, sharing your love for life. And great photos, too!! I loved your son's smiling face--and his pj's made me smile too :)

    Thanks for sharing this with us at Rub Some Dirt On It!

  4. I am jealous of those glorious leaves! :) the kids look so happy. I enjoyed seeing the photos.

    Thanks for sharing this on the sunday showcase. I look forward to seeing what you'll share this week.



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