Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Party

Adalyn had her Harvest/Pumpkin themed 1st birthday party yesterday afternoon. We enjoyed having family and friends over to celebrate Adalyn's first year of life. The kids played "Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin" game. The adults played the game "All About Adalyn". They had 10 questions about Adalyn they had to answer (I'll post the questions later).

Great Penny Grandma and Adalyn
 Mema, Shane and Adalyn
 A family picture...always hard to get 4 happy family members.

 Adalyn's birthday cupcakes were Chocolate Pumpkin with Cream Cheese Frosting.
The frosting was SO good. I just wanted to eat it out of the bowl.
I have TONS of left overs, so I'm going to make the pumpkin bars to go with it this week. 
The cupcakes didn't have enough pumpkin taste for me.
 I saw a cute idea in my Martha Stewart Living November issue where they put veggies in glasses and wrapped cabbage leaves around the outside and tied it with twine. 
My attempt didn't go so well. This is what I ended up with...still cute.
 Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins (My Son would eat these all day!)
 Checking out her cupcake. She went straight for it. Who wouldn't...that frosting was seriously good!

Gift opening was mayhem, 
but I really wanted the kiddos who brought Adalyn presents to see her "open" them.
 Some of the guests hanging out, eating and chatting.
 Shane, Adalyn, Dahlia and Opal
 Cousins: Brooke, Anna, Adalyn and Shane
 Papa with a SUPER tired Birthday Party Girl.
 Video of us singing Happy Birthday to Adalyn and of cupcake eating.


  1. Your food looks amazing! What a cute party girl!!

  2. Oh, the food looks so yum-yummy!
    Thanx for sharing... saw you on Happiness Is... Linky :)

    The Mommies Made Me Do It @

  3. Gorgeous photos that you will treasure forever. I love looking back at photos of my kids' birthdays.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! Great pics! I'd love for you to link up this story at my 1st ever "Life is About... blog hop" going on right now!


  5. Your link will be featured at my "Life is About... {blog hop} tomorrow! I'd like to invite you to link up again this week!

    Thanks & Blessings,


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!