Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Day Wrap Up

We had a wonderful Christmas weekend. The highlight of my Christmas was that we did not go any traveling for us. We were blessed to have my family (Mom, Dad, Brother and SIL) come to us!! We ate, went to church on Christmas Eve, played a game or two, watched Polar Express, ate some more, opened presents and just hung out and had fun. 

 Shane put out cookies, a carrot (his idea), milk and a thank you note for Santa Christmas Eve night. The thank you note said "Thank you Santa for letting me have a camera." I asked him how he knew Santa was leaving him a camera. He said, "I asked Santa for one and he said okay." There ya have it folks, as simple as that. Good thing "Santa" had a camera all wrapped and ready to "leave" for Shane.
Shane woke up at 5:30am and we got him back to bed until 6am. Not bad I'd say. His Sister on the other hand had one of her worse nights she has had in months. She was basically up until 3am and then awake for the morning at 6:30am. This was a tired Mommy on Christmas day.
Shane opening up his present from Santa. 
Santa wraps his presents in pretty red wrapping paper.
Yep, it was a camera.
Adalyn checking out her loot from her stocking.
Making a start at opening her present from Santa. 
Oh so quickly we get distracted when we are 13 months old. 
Yay! Santa brought me a box!!
Wow...there is actually stuff inside the box...bonus! 
Don't you just wish you could squat while you did stuff!
Man, this is a heavy present. Someone want to help me out over here.
That girl is busy. She didn't take a nap until 11am on Christmas Day. 
After not sleeping most of the night because she is teething. 
Shane checking out his train whistle. 
Also, pictured with him is his new blanket. 
None of us would have guessed, 
but his old blanket has been tossed aside for this new special one 
given to him by his Great Grandma.
His whistle went with his train conductor overalls that he was dying for!! 
This is one happy kid. 
He wore them over his zip-up jammies (his first love) for two days straight. 
Thanks Aunt Claire, Uncle Joe, Carolyn and Meredith!!
Adalyn got some new wheels for Christmas from Mommy and Daddy. 

The kids were blessed by all their wonderful family members that gave them gifts generously. 
 We had a wonderful Christmas season and look forward to a fresh new year of 2012.

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