Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Birthday?!?

This post was suppose to go up on Friday, December 35th birthday. I was so looking forward to waking up to a bunch of exciting birthday plans: going shopping (all by myself), hanging with the family, eating cake and spending the night out with 5 fabulous girlfriends having dinner and watching the show at a local piano bar.

Instead I was woken up at 1am by my dear Daughter (a very normal event in my life) to discover that I felt quite nauseous. Adalyn then spent the next 2 hours waking up every 20 minutes or so (also very normal) and I spent those 2 hours in and out of bed making my rounds from her room, the bathroom and my bed. All the while praying that this 1. was just a dream or 2. I would feel magically better come the morning.

Morning rolled around and I came to terms with the fact it was NOT a dream and I was NOT feeling any better. It seemed that my birthday plans were also NOT going to be what I had in mind. I certainly got a lot of Me-Time on my birthday, but it was by being banished to the bedroom (so that I wouldn't infect any other family members with my stomach bug), where we have no TV and spotty internet connection. Where I was unable to sleep because my body hurt so bad and I had no attention span to focus on a book or anything that required mind power.

Around 4pm I was allowed out of the bedroom and access to the couch, TV, internet and family. The worst had come and gone by that point, but I was weak and tired. My evening plans had been canceled and I had no interest in eating the cake I made from scratch.

The cake that just a day before I had been so excited to make. For Christmas I had received a bunch of decorating supplies (tips, pastry bags, cake pans, etc) and I was dying to try them out. I made a very basic yellow cake, but fancied it up by cutting it in half and put strawberry jam in the middle of it. Then I went to town decorating. I really just wanted to try as many tips as I could. Hence the "sampler" cake look.

Shane and Kenny had some on my birthday after singing me the sweetest "Happy Birthday". Shane said it was the "best cake ever". 

A birthday come and gone. Certainly now how I had pictured or planned my big 35th birthday to be, but I am oh so happy to be back on my toes feeling better and able to wish you all a Happy New Year. Here's to a healthy 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! So sorry your day didn't go as planned. I would love to go shopping at the mall for hours by myself too, but that hasn't happened in several years! Looks like you made the best of the day...hopefully you'll get to do all of the fun things you planned soon!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce


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