Monday, January 2, 2012

Menu Monday

After not eating at on all Friday I seem to be making up for it now. All I seem to think about is food and what I am going to eat next. I am very much looking forward to making some yummy dinners this week.

Monday -- Salad and Salmon (as requested by Kenny...have I mentioned how much I LOVE when family members request dinner meals!?! It makes my life just that much easier.)

Tuesday -- Tacos and Spanish Rice

Wednesday -- Steak, Potatoes and Corn in the Crock-Pot (I am going to make a revised version of this)

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Lasagna (requested by Shane after we watched an episode of The Chew. He loves watching cooking shows and I like to encouraged any thing that has to do with eating)

Saturday -- leftovers

Sunday -- Really, no matter what I plan this day is just generally a fend for yourself, whatever is quick/easy or left in the refrigerator kind of dinner.


  1. Sounds like some great choices!! My kids are often inspired by cooking shows too. One of my our family "go to" favorites- Cheesy Mac made it onto the rotation when my daughter saw it on Rachel Ray and begged me to make it. Fortunately we had all of the ingredients in the house. Then, my daughter was watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and begged to make "her own salad." She had to use what was in the house at the moment, which included red peppers (which she previously told me she didn't like.) However, on HER salad, they were, of course, awesome!

  2. We do that on the weekend, too. I just take out all the leftovers and let everyone pick what they want.


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