Friday, December 2, 2011

Flashback Friday

I meant to get this posted last Friday. 
A week late, but this is what was happening in our lives just a little more then a year ago around this time.

I was overdue by 1 week and SO ready for our little one to arrive.
Finally, she did on November 18th, 2010

A week later we were celebrating Thanksgiving
with two kiddos in the house.
And there was snow out already! 
Making Adalyn's 1st week home very interesting.
It is so amazing how much happens in the 1st year of a new life. 
Adalyn is a busy walking 1 year old now. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh yes. I was 10 days late with my son last year! Due Christmas eve, came Jan 3rd!! I love looking back in time :)


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