Thursday, December 1, 2011

Snowman Sandwich

I asked Shane this morning what he wanted for breakfast. He said a snowman sandwich like the turkey one I made him. I said...for breakfast??? Yep. Ummmm....okay....let me see what I can whip up.

About 7 minutes later, we have a snowman sandwich. 
Shane wanted to eat him really bad, so I just got a quick picture of him. 

  • Overall the body took 2.5 sandwiches. I might have been able to do it in 2 in hindsight.
  • I used 3 different sized glasses to cut the circle shape out with. 
  • I meant to grab the mini-chocolate chips for his eyes and buttons, but realized after I handed it to him they were regular sized. 
  • The nose is a tiny piece of cheese.
  • His mouth really made me ponder for awhile. I ended up using tiny pieces of a hot dog.
  • Finally, I really thought he needed a scarf so I cut a slice of lunch meat and wrapped it around his neck. I wish though that I had a roll up fruit snack. That would have worked perfect and added some color to him.

Yes, he ate this for breakfast. At this point with this kiddo, if he eats anything it's better then nothing. Actually, he ate all "extras" and then the head circle. I saved the other two circles and I ended up eating them for lunch. I just really like watching him be excited about his food. Since most of the time he wants nothing to do with it.


  1. Aw... super cute! What a fun lunch! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  2. Jessica, this is just adorable. Maybe my daughter will eat if I made her one of these?? ;)

  3. So cute. looks like even I could make this! We'd love for you to link up and share your sandwich with our readers!

  4. looks awesome and yummy!
    Cute idea to make a snowman sandwich. That is the closest to a snowman mine will get, unless we travel somewhere cold and snowy, as we live in South Florida.
    Saw your linky at the Sunday Showcase, so wanted to pop by to say hello.
    Hope that you will come by my blog, Sunrise Learning Lab, and see what we are up to this week.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!