Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Minute Quick and Easy Christmas Crafts

Here are a few cute, simple, quick and easy Christmas crafts. 
If you need the kiddos to do something with those last few hours before the big day. 

Hand print Christmas Wreath
Trace kiddos hands. Double up the paper and cut the hands out. You'll need about 15-20 hands (it depends on the size of the hand). Cut the inside circle out of a paper plate. Glue the hands to the front and back of the paper plate outer circle. You can decorate the wreath hands with stickers, buttons, sparkles, etc. 

 Paper Snowman
 I gave Shane various sized circles and asked him to make a snowman. He picked the circles and put them in place. Then added googly eyes, buttons, arms and some snowflakes.

Craft Stick Snowman
 Paint a craft stick white. Use felt or paper to make a hat and scarf. Then embellish him as you would like.

Thanks Gia and Misty for hosting a fun day of crafts!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I love all your crafts. I hope you will join us again this week and I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!