Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award

I was awarded the Liebster Blog award this week by Katie at Playing With Words 365. Thanks Katie for the award. It means a lot to me!

You ask what is the Liebster Blog Award? It's basically like a chain letter, but for blogs. The idea is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to build community and readership. And really....who doesn't love winning an award?!?

The origins of the award are hard to find. But I did find out that "liebster" in German means "dearest". As part of the Liebster award tradition, I am going to award 5 small blogs that are near and dear to my hear this award as well.

The rules are quite simple:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog (If I hadn't been awarded this by Katie, she would for sure be on my top 5 list!!)
2. Nominate five other happy little blogs by posting a comment on their blogs.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Now you get to stop by and see what these up and coming blogs have to offer.

And the award goes to:
  • Sweet Anna's -- My favorite place to get recipes. I love that Annalise's recipes are user friendly and great for families. If I need an idea for a dessert, dinner or an appetizer this is where I go. Throw in some stories about being a Mommy and you have one of my favorite daily reads. 
  •  Teaching Good Eaters -- I stumbled onto this blog recently. We struggle daily with my 4 year old and food. I instantly got a ton of ideas after browsing this blog. I fell in love with the Food Adventure ideas, along with all the great advice on working with kiddos to be good eaters. 
  • Life as This Mommy knows It -- It's not hard for me to love your blog if you have anything to do with photography. I just read a post by Brenna about editing and it blew my mind away.
  • My Home School Tale -- I'm always on the look out for fun, crafty and educational things to do at home with Shane (and eventually Adalyn). Andrea has lots of fun post covering all those topics.


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me Jessica! I am honored :) Now I need to check out your blog!!

  2. Wow! Thanks so much Jessica! I'm honored :)

  3. How fun! :o) Thanks for the sweet words, Jess!

  4. Thank you so much, Jessica! How sweet of you.
    Merry Christmas,


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